- Pediatric Commons - A community of pediatric learning, teaching, sharing and collaboration
- http://www.pediatriccommons.org/ : The goal of Pediatric Commons is to build a pediatric learning community around content, conversations, and connections.
- Pediatrics | Pediatric Education | Pediatric Journals | Pediatric Textbooks - SearchingPediatrics.com
- http://www.searchingpediatrics.com/ : Searching pediatric peer-reviewed information
- Back Pain in Children - a Common Clinical Problem in Children
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/BackPainInChildren/BackPainChildren.shtml
- Centre d'Information de Prévention et d' Accompagnement de la Prématurité : CIPAP
- http://www.cipap.net : Information préven,tion accompagnement de la prématurité
- Common Questions Quick Answers - Teens
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/patients/cqqa/teen/index.shtml
- Correlapaedia - a Correlative Encyclopedia of Pediatric Imaging, Surgery, and Pathology
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/CAP/CAPHome.shtml
- ElectricAirway: Upper Airway Problems in Children
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/ElectricAirway/ElectricAirway.shtml
- MetaTextbook of Pediatric Radiology: Imaging Appearances of Common Pediatric Diseases
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/MetatextbookPedRad/MetaTBPedRad.shtml
- Paediapaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Disease
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/PAP/PAPHome.shtml
- Paediatric Radiology - Virtual Pediatric Hospital
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/ : Virtual Pediatric Hospital is a digital library of pediatric information
- Pediatric Common Questions Quick Answers.
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/patients/cqqa/index.shtml
- Pediatric Education | Pediatrics | Paediatric Education | Paediatrics - PediatricEducation.org
- http://www.pediatriceducation.org/ : A Pediatric Digital Library and Learning Collaboratory intended to serve as a source of continuing pediatric education
- Pediatric Jeopardy Instructions
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/PedJeopardy/jeopardyinstructions.shtml
- Pediatric Radiology | Pediatric Imaging | Paediatric Radiology | Paediatric Imaging - PediatricRadio
- http://www.pediatricradiology.com : A pediatric radiology and pediatric imaging digital library
- Pediatric Surgery
- http://www.pediatric-surgery.org/ : site de chirurgie pediatrique abritant plusieurs organismes ou associations voues à la chirurgie pediatrique et une base de donnees de formation medicale continue pour les etudiants et les medecins
- Pediatric | Pediatrics - Virtual Children's Hospital: A digital library of pediatric health information
- http://www.vh.org/pediatric/ : Virtual Children's Hospital is a digital health sciences library created in 1992 at the University of Iowa to help meet the information needs of pediatrics health care providers and patients. The goal of the Virtual Children's Hospital digital library is to make the Internet a useful medical reference and health promotion tool for pediatrics health.
- Pediatrics: Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults |GeneralPediatrics.com
- http://www.generalpediatrics.com : The General Pediatrician's View of the Internet(tm)
- Thoracopaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Thoracic Disease
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/TAP/Thoracopedia.shtml
- Virtual Pediatric Patients: A Digital Storytelling System for Teaching Common PediatricProblems
- http://www.virtualpediatrichospital.org/providers/VirtualPedsPatients/PedsVPHome.shtml